We started by counting to 20 and saying basic French greetings. You can practice both with these two songs:
We started by counting to 20 and saying basic French greetings. You can practice both with these two songs:
We also learned months and how to say our birth date.
We also learned months and how to say our birth date.
Do you remember all the colours in French? and all the school objects?
Do you remember all the colours in French? and all the school objects?
We also learned some typical French games for recess: les billes, la pétanque, la marelle, cache-cache, l'élastique, le football, les billes.
We also learned some typical French games for recess: les billes, la pétanque, la marelle, cache-cache, l'élastique, le football, les billes.
You can watch this short video about school subjects and review all the subjects that you like at school.
You can watch this short video about school subjects and review all the subjects that you like at school.
You can also make your schedule in French : L'emploi du temps en français
You can also make your schedule in French : L'emploi du temps en français
If you want to learn more about fruits in French, you can listen to this song.
If you want to learn more about fruits in French, you can listen to this song.
Listen to this Christmas vocabulary in French!
Listen to this Christmas vocabulary in French!
After the Christmas break, we learned a new song about days of the week.
After the Christmas break, we learned a new song about days of the week.
We also learned about the family and pets.
We also learned about the family and pets.
Please practice counting in French from 1 to 100.
Please practice counting in French from 1 to 100.
In March we learned about French breakfast.
In March we learned about French breakfast.
In April and May we learned about after-school activities and rooms in the house. Students practiced to prepare a short documentary about their house/ room.
In April and May we learned about after-school activities and rooms in the house. Students practiced to prepare a short documentary about their house/ room.
You can repeat furniture in French with this video.
You can repeat furniture in French with this video.